Asking To Be Remembered Through Cremation


If you have decided you want to make plans for your own final services, you are doing something huge for your family. It might feel like a small thing to you at this time, but it’s large for them later on. Even if you don’t use the cremation in DeLand, FL for decades, your family will know just what you want. That will give them the kind of peace that you can’t hand over in any other way. When they are grieving, it’s hard to pile more burdens onto them. If they have to wonder what you would have wanted as well, it can be overwhelming. You’re relieving them of that burden by planning your own services in advance.

When you choose to be remembered through cremation, you have a variety of other options at hand as well. You can ask for cremation and even arrange that basic service and then you can leave the rest up to family. Some people like to do that because they understand that while final services are about the deceased, they’re just as much for the family members who are mourning. They might want the family to get what they need to say goodbye. In these cases, it’s best to tell your family that. Talk to them about your cremation and tell them that you aren’t organizing a memorial service to go along with it for yourself because you want them to have whatever they need at that time. It might end up being a simple ash scattering or a full-blown memorial service and let them know that you’re okay with whatever they decide.

Others want to go through all of the options and make as many decisions as they can. It’s possible to include family in these decisions, if you choose. Otherwise, you are able to lay the whole service out, no matter what kind you decide to have. This is advantageous to families because, like the cremation itself, they know what you want and they don’t have to plan anything for you, wondering if it’s okay.

If you’d like to take things a step further down the planning road, you can also pay for your services in advance. This is another final gift for family members when they learn that not only is your cremation planned out, but it is paid for and no one has to worry about funding anything at all.cremation in DeLand, FL

If you’re ready to talk about cremation in DeLand, FL with professionals who can get the pre-plans set up and into place for you, call Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory. We loved to have clients visit with our funeral director at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL so we can talk things over in person. We can show you our facilities as well and you can judge whether we have the right space for whatever service you’d like. You can also call us with questions at (386) 775-2101 so we can get things started and give you the information you need.

Explaining Your Choice Of Cremation


Not everyone is comfortable thinking about their own death and final services and even fewer people are comfortable talking about their options. But if you find planning your own services important, it’s also important to explain your choices to your close family members. If you have decided to go with Longwood, FL cremation, here are some tips to help you explain your choice to your family.

Think Through Your Reasons

You might just feel that cremation is the right choice for you, but there are likely deeper reasons for it. Think through those reasons so you can present them to your family members. If you have good reasons for going that route over traditional burial, they will more likely accept the final service you have chosen. Perhaps you have chosen cremation because you like the simplicity of it. Maybe you don’t want to spend much money on your final services so you’ve chosen the least expensive route. Or maybe you really want a final resting place that regular burial can’t give you. Whatever reasons you have are completely valid and are good to present to your family along with the decision you’ve made.

Hand Out Copies

If you’ve already taken steps with the funeral home to plan your final services out, you can also pass out copies of that plan to your closest family members. When they see the ideas and plans you have worked out, they will be able to better prepare for those plans to take place when you pass away. They are already going to be grieving for you, you certainly don’t want to add shock over any of the final services you’ve chosen. They will need the contact information for the funeral home of your choice, but also a copy of what you have laid out so there are no surprises.

Listen To ConcernsLongwood, FL cremation

Your family shouldn’t be expected to just sit and listen to your explanation. The conversation can definitely go two ways. If they have any concerns about your choices or ideas they’d like to add in, by all means, listen and take it all in. Keep in mind that your final services, while definitely about you, are also about them and what they need to get closure and say a final goodbye.

If you’re ready to work on your Longwood, FL cremation service with professionals, contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory to get more details and options to consider. You can visit with our funeral director in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763, where you can tour our facilities and see if we have what you need for any memorial services you might want to arrange at the same time. You can also call us at (386) 775-2101 and ask questions over the phone. Many people like to start by looking at our website to check out our services and find out about how we operate. You can take a look at some of the details about us online at

Why Did Your Family Member Choose Cremation?


When a family member passes on, those left behind sometimes have a lot of unanswered questions. Why did they have to die? Why did it have to happen the way it did? Why now? And so on and so forth. One thing that catches some people off guard is when someone choose Deltona, FL cremation if they didn’t know their loved one wanted to be cremated. Why did they pick that method? Here are a few reasons that might be the case for your loved one. You know them best. If you really want to know why, you might be able to see their reasoning in some of these options:

Cremation Is Less Expensive

If your loved one lived on a budget or appreciated things that were well-priced, they may have chosen cremation simply because it is cheaper. Cremation is the less expensive option over traditional burial because it includes fewer products and services. There are no cemetery plots to purchase, no caskets necessary, no headstones needed and so on. Without those things on the table, cremation costs a whole bundle less. If your loved one wanted to pay for their services themselves, they might choose cremation to cut back on costs. If they left the costs to loved ones, they might not have wanted to leave too big of a burden.

Cremation Is Simple

Think about your loved one’s personality. Perhaps they were the type who didn’t want a big fuss made over them. They may have chosen cremation to keep things more on the simple side. With direct cremation, there are no services beforehand. Your loved one goes into the cremation stage as soon as the paperwork is in order after their death. You can still have a memorial service after that and with any luck, they specified what they wanted on that front. But whatever you do, it’s likely simpler than a traditional burial.

Cremation Allows A Specific Final Resting PlaceDeltona, FL cremation

Some people choose cremation because of the final resting place options it affords. Perhaps your loved one left instructions that they want to be scattered at sea, or maybe they want to be placed in an urn and remain in your home in a place of honor so you can take them with you if they ever move. If they want a specific resting place, sometimes cremation is the only way to go.

In the end, you may not get all of the answers you want to your questions, even those that revolve around why your loved one picked Deltona, FL cremation. However, keep in mind that your loved one is getting a perfectly dignified final disposition method and it is what they truly wanted for their final service. If you have questions about cremation or need to organize one, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can set up a time to speak with our funeral director by calling (386) 775-2101.

Getting The Cremation Your Loved One Deserves


There’s nothing easy about losing a loved one. If someone in your family passes on, you want the best for them. They deserve honorable final services and they can get just that through cremation in DeLand, FL. How can you ensure they get the cremation they deserve? Start with the right funeral and cremation provider and go from there.

Finding the right cremation provider sounds simple. As you do for many things, you simply go to your computer and see what comes up when you type your area and cremation into the search bar. However, you want to know that your loved one is in good hands and you need to go a little deeper than clicking on the first cremation provider you find.

While looking at websites is a good first step, you’ll want to know more about the business you entrust with your loved one’s care and their subsequent cremation. Businesses are only going to put good things about themselves on their website. After you look over services they provide, look at other review websites to see what people have said about their services. You should be able to find more honest feedback. If you notice that people rave about their compassion and friendliness, you know you can trust them with your loved one.

Cremation is a completely dignified process and you should feel good about it the entire way through. The cremation provider you choose should reassure you that they have techniques in place that ensure your loved one’s ashes won’t get mixed up with someone else’s. What you receive in the simple container, or in the one you provide, is your loved one and no one else.

You also want to know that your loved one is cared for between the time the cremation provider picks them up at their place of death and when their cremation takes place. The cremation provider should tell you about their facilities and the type of care they provide for those under their watch.

Sometimes, it’s possible for you to witness parts of the cremation process. If you want to do that, talk to the funeral home about the options. It can bring closure to some people and gives them a chance to say a final goodbye.cremation in Sanford, FL

If you need help with cremation in Sanford, FL, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory with your questions. If you’d like to have a funeral beforehand or a memorial service after, many families like to stop by our facilities for a tour to make sure we have the space they need for such events. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we’re happy to show you around and tell you how things work. We can also be reached at (386) 775-2101 if you want to talk to our funeral director or set up a time that works for you to come in and speak in person. We’re here for you and your loved one in this difficult time.

Cremation Is The Cure For Certain Issues


There’s never an easy answer when someone in your family passes on and you have to arrange their final services, especially if you don’t know what they would have wanted for those services. However, certain situations within your family could call for cremation in DeLand, FL as the obvious route. Here are a few things that could be remedied by cremation as the final disposition method for your loved one: 

Your Family Is Spread Out 

Most families start out in one location, but over time, they tend to spread out. If your family has done just that, having a death in the family can be very trying. For one thing, it’s hard to gather everyone together for a memorial service on short notice. For another thing, some people may not be able to get back at the right time no matter how hard they try. Cremation can be a cure for both of those issues. First, if your family needs time to prepare and gather, you have all the time you need with cremation. You don’t have to have a service at any set time. You can wait weeks, months, or longer, if you choose. Second, if there are family members that aren’t able to come back to the area at all, cremation allows them to have their own memorial service wherever they are located.  

The Budget Is An Issue cremation in DeLand, FL

If your loved one didn’t leave much behind, including nothing or very little for a final service, it can be a large burden on the family members who want to honor them. While you want to show your respect in the best possible way, you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on services. Cremation is the perfect cure for this problem because it costs very little compared to a traditional funeral. You don’t have to worry about spending a lot of money and your loved one still gets the honor and respect they deserve through a perfectly dignified method. Cremation has been around for thousands of years and it’s being used now more than ever. It doesn’t matter what your reason is for choosing cremation, it’s an acceptable method to go with.  

These are just two of the many things that DeLand, FL cremation can help cure regarding final services. If you think it’s the route you want to take for your loved one, or you just want to learn more about it for now, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we can certainly show you around our facilities so you’ll feel good about the location where your loved one will undergo their final services. You can also call us at (386) 775-2101 to ask questions or to start the process. We’ll take care of picking your loved one up and transporting them here and we can help with other details, like the death certificate and more.