Handling The Family Schedule And Cremation Services

There’s no such thing as a ‘good’ time to lose someone you love. Death happens when it happens and it’s never going to wait for you to have a break in life. If you are arranging cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL for a loved one, it can be impossible to keep up with your family schedule at the same time. Here are a few items to help you get through this difficult time in your life.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

Allow Or Seek Carpooling

If it’s someone distant enough from your children that they don’t need a lot of time off from school to mourn, you may need help getting them to and from school while you grieve and make plans yourself. If someone offers to carpool with your children, let them. Otherwise, call around and see if someone in your neighborhood has some extra room in their car for your kids.

Miss Some Practices/Games

Even though your children love soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, dance, or whatever activities they’re into, they’ll surely understand that something important has come up in the life of your family. If they’re able to get rides from someone else and attend the practices or games that go on while you are planning, great. Don’t feel obligated to go along and watch every time, as you normally would, since you are already dealing with a lot. If your kids can’t make it to a practice or two, or they miss a game because of final services, they’ll have to understand that they need to be flexible in their life when something emergent happens.

Accept Help

You might struggle in a normal week to juggle everything and make it all work. When you also feel grief and are working on final services, it’s downright impossible. However, when you lose someone close to you, those who love you will rally around you and offer to help you out in a variety of ways. If someone offers to cook meals for your family, let them. It’s one less thing you have to do. If someone offers to help the kids with their homework while you work on more arrangements, take them up on that offer as well. The more help you can get with the schedule, the more time you will have to plan and grieve on your own.

It’s hard to work on cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL in the midst of a thriving, busy family schedule. But when you work with the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, you have compassionate support the whole way through. You get to make all of the important decisions, but we will take care of implementation so we can relieve you of as many burdens as possible. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 to get started or to set up a consultation appointment. You can then visit us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we’ll help you in any way we can the whole way through.

Making Customized Requests For Cremation Services

There’s no such thing as a traditional funeral or cremation services in Deland, FL that are identical to one another. Even if you do something for a loved one that is exactly like what someone else has done for their loved one, the services are still different because of the person they honor. However, you can customize your cremation service for a loved one in any way you’d like to make it as unique and customized to their personality as you want. Here are some of the most common customized requests for cremation services that you might want to consider as you plan for a loved one’s final services:

cremation services in Deland, FL

Customized Urns

When you choose to go with cremation services, the funeral home will give you a package to consider that includes everything you need. The cremation itself is covered, of course, as well as a simple container for your loved one’s remains. Many families, however, wish to have an urn that is more suited to their loved ones in style and form. You can get an urn in any material, color, and style and you can even have it engraved. If you plan to keep the urn in your home, it’s nice to have something that looks nice and will honor your loved one for many years. If you aren’t sure what you want, the funeral home can show you options, though you’re welcome to purchase an urn from any outlet.

The Overall Service

While traditional funerals operate in a certain manner, that’s not the case for cremation services. You can do pretty much anything you want for your loved one. That means the service style can feel like a funeral or more of a celebration of life. It can be in a funeral home or in a park. It can be formal or casual. Whatever you want, you can have and the service is a huge way to customize the overall experience for your family and you’re loved one. Pre-planning is determining the details of your funeral and cemetery services in advance.

The Final Resting Place

Where you plan to lay your family member to rest is a way to customize the experience as well. With traditional burials, the cemeteries in the area are the only option. With cremation, your options are endless. You can still choose to bury the urn in a small cemetery plot or you can keep the ashes at home in a place of honor. You can scatter the ashes, and have them distributed in pieces into jewelry or any number of other things. What you choose will make the cremation services all that much more unique for your loved one.

When you are ready to talk about cremation services in Deland, FL, keep your options open as you look at the choices and pick what you feel is best for your family and what your loved one would have wanted. Contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763, or call us at (386) 775-2101 and we can go over the options and ideas with you until you find the right fit.

The Anniversary Of Cremation Services

Dealing with cremation services in Lake Helen, FL along with all of the other details that pile on after someone passes away can be a real whirlwind. You might feel as if the service itself is the hardest thing you will have to get through, and it may very well be. Once everything is behind you and you start to settle into a new sense of normal, the grief for your loved one doesn’t simply disappear. You will heal bit by bit as time passed, but your heart will never be quite the same. And there will be things that hit you and bring the grief up again as time passes as well. You might feel a fresh wave on a birthday, over the holidays, and on other special occasions. One thing that often hits the bereaved hard is the anniversary of the cremation service and the person’s death. Once a year has passed, you might feel like you are finally pulling it together. But then the anniversary arises, and the grief feels new again. What can you do to honor your loved one in a way that will be good for you as well? Here are a few ideas:

cremation services in Orlando, FL


Since your loved one was cremated, you may have scattered their ashes and there might not be a permanent memorial to them like there is in a headstone as part of a traditional burial. Once a year has passed, you’ve had time to think about what kind of memorial you might want for them. Get a carved rock for the garden, plant their favorite tree, get a plaque for a park bench or something else, and use the anniversary as a good time to gather family and dedicate that item to their memory.

Go Over The Good Times

You don’t have to mark the anniversary with a family gathering, though it’s always a good idea to be around people you love. If you want to spend some time alone with your own memories, that’s okay too. Look through photo albums, watch old videos, and spend time remembering the good moments you had with your loved one. It can make the grief feel fresh, but it also reminds you how lucky you were to have them in your life in the first place.

These are just a few short ideas for things you can do when the anniversary of cremation services in Lake Helen, FL comes up. You can do so many other things to help yourself through the day and honor your loved one at the same time. Since you know the anniversary is coming, you have time to think about what you want to do and plan something that will work well for you. If you need more ideas and suggestions, or if you want to plan a memorial service, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL and you can call with your questions at (386) 775-2101. We want to help you through your hard time, even a year later.

Cremation Service Explanations

Most families have traditions in place that determine what kind of cake you have on your birthday, where you gather for the holidays, and so on. Some even have traditional standards for final services when someone passes away. If your family has always had funeral services for members when someone passes away, you might feel awkward about pre-planning your own cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL. However, if that is the type of service you want, there is nothing wrong with that. But rather than surprise your family when you pass on, it might be better to inform them upfront so they have time to adjust to the idea and get used to what will happen when the time comes. Here are a few tips to help you with your explanation when you are able to sit down with your family to lay it all out.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

Give Well-Thought Out Reasons

This is your final service and if cremation is what you want, that’s reason enough. But your family might come around better to the idea if they hear other concrete reasons behind your decision. Perhaps you want something simple or you want your ashes scattered somewhere special instead of being buried in a cemetery. Maybe you want the services to cost less so your family can use the money you leave behind for other things. Whatever your reasons may be, if your family understands them, you are more likely to get their approval and understanding.

Talk About Cremation Acceptance

Cremation is a method that has been around for thousands of years and even if your family has never had a cremation in its ranks before, it happens about 50% of the time when a death occurs. Cremation is more popular and more accepted today. Most major religions are just fine with this method and more people are using it now than ever before. Tell your family some of these statistics and it might help open their eyes to the fact that their traditions, while perfectly fine, are not the only way to go.

Stress Your Desire

Your final services should be whatever you want them to be. If that’s truly cremation, remind your family members of that. If that’s what you want, they should not stand in your way. Pre-plan the services and give them a discussion as a heads-up to what’s going to happen. Even if they don’t quite understand why, if they know that is what you want, they should go with it.

Having a discussion about your own mortality and final services is never going to be easy, especially if you aren’t sure how your family will react to what you want. But arranging cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL with Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory is simple. Once you know what you want, contact us at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll put all the details down for you. If you aren’t sure what you want yet, we can help with that, too. Visit us a 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we’ll get into the options.

Considering Weather For Cremation Services

When someone you love passes away and you want to plan cremation services in Deland, FL in their honor, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to do what your loved one would have wanted, which is sometimes hard to figure out if they didn’t leave instructions. You do the best you can with the circumstances you have to work with. You will consider family members, their needs, their travels, and many other details. If you want to do something outside for your loved one, like an ash scattering ceremony, you will also want to have a handle on the local weather. Here are some tips to help you consider all of the weather elements that could come into play and interrupt your cremation services.

cremation services in Deland, FL

Tip 1: Consider An Indoor Back-Up

If you want to have an outdoor memorial service for your loved one, that can be very nice. And in Florida most of the year, it’ll work out just fine. But what if you hit an extremely rainy day? Consider having an indoor location on hold as a backup just in case you need to move the ceremony inside. If you’re planning to scatter ashes, that will have to wait, but you can still honor your loved one with memories, eulogies, songs, and more.

Tip 2: Watch The Forecasts

Weather forecasts aren’t always accurate but if there’s a huge rainstorm coming your way on the radar and you’re about to have an outdoor memorial, you know things aren’t going to go as you’d hoped. Check the hour-by-hour forecast and see if you can reschedule the memorial service for the next day. If it’s going to be a small, intimate ceremony, it is easy enough to get the word out. It’s easier to work around the weather than to deal with discomfort and umbrellas.

Tip 3: Come Prepared

Florida weather is generally sunny and warm, but that combination can get too warm, at times. Guests who attend the memorial are already going to be grieving. You don’t want them to worry about physical ailments as well. If you are having something outside in the heat, bring water bottles and perhaps even paper fans and other items to keep people comfortable for the ceremony. You can also keep things short and continue the remembrance of the reception food afterward.

It’s never easy to deal with weather when you are trying to plan the intricacies of cremation services in Deland, FL, but for anything you want to have outside, the weather is definitely going to play a part. When you need help with the details, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory by calling (386) 775-2101. You can get a consultation with our funeral director and meet with us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763. We’re here to think of the little things so you don’t have to. Part of that is weather suggestions to make things run as smoothly as possible.