Cremation Services Are The Right Choice If…

If you are going back and forth as to what final services you should plan for your loved one, it can definitely be a hard decision to make. Keep in mind that both main final disposition methods are perfectly respectful and honorable. If you choose cremation Services in Deland, FL, you can feel good about the choice you have made on behalf of your loved one if the following items are true.

cremation Services in Deland, FL

Your Family Agrees To It

If you aren’t sure what your loved one wanted, but your family is completely agreeable towards cremation, it’s the right choice for you. You want to make sure your family is okay with the option you move forward with and cremation will feel like the better choice if everyone agrees to it.

It’s What You Can Afford

You don’t want your loved one’s final services to be about costs, but those definitely have to play a role in what you decide. Traditional burials are going to be more expensive so if cremation is what you can afford, it’s the right choice. There’s nothing wrong with choosing this disposition because of costs, either. It’s perfectly honorable and a good way to show your loved one the respect and dignity they deserve.

The Services Are Better Served By Cremation

If you want to have a memorial a month from now or you would like to have a celebration of life in a park for your loved one, cremation makes those goals easier to reach. There are certain services that simply go better with cremation and if you decide on services of those natures, cremation is the best option. Grief is hard to take on alone and you don’t need to go at it alone.

You Know Your Loved One Was Okay With It

Whether they indicated that they wanted cremation for sure or not, if you at least knew that your loved one was okay with the idea of cremation, that can make it the right option for your family. It’s hard to guess what someone wanted if they never really said, but if your loved one attended the cremations of friends and mentioned that the services were nice and they never directly opposed it, you can feel more comfortable choosing it for them.

When you are ready to work on cremation Services in Deland, FL for a loved one, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here for you. We won’t make any decisions for you, but we can lay out the options so you can make decisions based on what you feel is best for your family. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll give you the information you need to move forward. You can also set up a time to speak with our funeral director in person. You can tour our facilities as well at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL 32763. We want to show you our compassion and support as you go through some of the harder times you will face. Visit our website for more information about us at

Should You Attend Cremation Services?

There are times when someone in your life passes away, there are cremation services in Lake Helen, FL and you know that you should and/or want to go. There are other times when the waters might be muddier. If you are on the fence and you’re trying to decide if you should attend the services or not, let these situations help you in your decision.

cremation services in Orlando, FL

You Simply Want To

Whether you were close to the person or not, use this as your first guide. If you just really want to attend, you should. You might want to be there for someone else or you might need closure yourself. Whatever the reason, if you feel the desire to attend, you should.

Do you Want To Support Someone?

Attending cremation services isn’t always about honoring someone who has passed on. Sometimes, you might want to be there because you know someone affected by the death. You might want to support a friend or co-worker who has lost someone they love, for example. Attending the services is a great way to show you are there for someone.

You Have Been Directly Invited

You can see an obituary online or in the paper and if the services are open to the public, you’re invited. However, if someone in the person’s immediate family directly reaches out to you and invites you to the service, it’s nice to go if at all possible.

You Have A Memory To Share

If you have something you want to share about the person who passed on and their cremation services are going to have a time of sharing, it’s nice for you to go to share that memory. You might have something in mind that no one else has heard about their loved one before. The family appreciates hearing new and different things to remind them that person touched a lot of people in their life.

You Wouldn’t Make Waves

If you feel you would disrupt the services for any reason, you might need to think about it in more detail. If you’re an ex-spouse, for example, and things are contentious among the family towards you, it could be hard to attend. If you have worked things out with anyone in attendance and you know your presence wouldn’t bother anyone, you should definitely attend to get closure yourself.

When you are trying to decide whether or not to attend cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, talk to the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory to get advice. You can tell us more about your situation and we can offer advice based on what we have seen people do in the past. Call us at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll support you with compassion no matter what situation you might be in revolving around a person’s death. You can also visit us in person if you’d like. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we’re here for families who need to plan final services and for those surrounding them.

Ideas for After the Cremation Service

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FLYou may already know that cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL offer a lot of advantages over a traditional burial. You get the services you need at a budget-friendly price and there are flexible options for services and timelines after that. You even get to choose what happens to the ashes once the person is cremated. Once you’ve made other decisions and you have to go about figuring out what to do once the cremation services are over, it’s nice to look over the options to see what suits you or your family best. Here are a few options to consider:


Probably the most popular way to honor someone after the cremation is to scatter their ashes somewhere special. You can scatter them over land, into the air, over water, on private property, or anywhere else. If you’ve never scattered ashes before, you might have a particular picture in mind, but there are actually many different ways to scatter ashes.

Casting means just tossing the ashes into the wind. You will want to check the wind direction so you don’t end up throwing anything into anyone’s face, which can be very unpleasant. You can cast alone or have others join you in the efforts.

Water scattering is when you scatter the ashes into a body of water. You may need local authority permission for this, and you will also want a biodegradable urn that won’t hurt the natural elements. You could also get an urn that sinks into the body of water and can deteriorate from there. Support from friends and family may not help relieve the amount of sadness and grief you feel.

Raking means pouring the ashes over loose soil, like in a garden or under a tree, and raking them into the earth. There might be local ordinances for this in certain locations so check into the rules before you perform this method in the wrong place.

Ringing ceremonies are more ritualistic, and you would form a ring with the ashes around a tree, a home, a property, or anywhere else.

And trenching is like burying, but with less depth. You dig a small hole for the ashes and cover them. You could do this in the family yard, or even near the ocean where the ashes could be taken out into the sea by the tide later.

These are just a few of the scattering options that you might consider if that’s the direction you want to take. When you need help with the process or deciding between options, local cremation service providers in Daytona Beach, FL can help you with everything you need. Contact the specialists at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory for answers to any questions you have. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we’re compassionate individuals who truly want to help. You can call us with questions if you want to start that way at (386) 775-2101. And we can set you up with a consultation to figure out more of the details when you’re ready. We want to help you honor your loved one however you see fit.

Making Cremation Services More Environmentally Friendly

cremation services in Deland, FLThere are a number of different reasons why people choose cremation services in Deland, FL over traditional funerals. Perhaps they like the freedom from the traditional timeline so services can be planned at a convenient date and at any pace. Maybe they like the versatile service options that come along with this disposition method. There are also many that appreciate the cost-effectiveness of the procedure. And today, there are more and more people that look to the environment for their answers. Cremation is said to be more environmentally friendly than the alternative so it might be a good option for you to choose if you want to leave a smaller carbon footprint. But even in choosing cremation, there are more things you can do for the environment. Here are a few to consider:

Get A Biodegradable Urn

If you want your ashes to be buried after you are cremated, or even set off for a burial at sea, getting a biodegradable urn can help the environment even further than the cremation alone. These urns break down easier and don’t have a negative impact on the earth. They can protect the ground or water from harmful substances and chemicals and give you a natural sendoff that lessens your carbon footprint.

Choose The Right Cremation Casket

Though you don’t have to have a casket for burial, you may have to have a cremation casket. Some of these casket options can send out fumes and noxious gases when they are burned. Instead, you can opt for non-toxic casket materials that come from renewable resources, like wicker and cardboard. These caskets still get the job done, but they don’t harm the environment as they burn.

Recycle Prior To Cremation

Any metal devices that are within the deceased (such as a pacemaker) will have to be removed before the cremation takes place. You can also have other devices (like plastic items) removed and recycled or simply disposed of so they don’t send up those harmful gases. They can also create ashes that are non-biodegradable, which is not what you want to remain environmentally friendly.

There are many things that make cremation easier on the environment than traditional burial services, but if you want to take things even further, ask the professionals for suggestions. If you are planning your cremation services in Deland, FL in advance, you have time on your side to think through the options. If you are planning for a loved one, you want to do your best to follow their wishes and if they wanted a small carbon footprint, look into the choices available. Contact the experts at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL with your questions. You can call us at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll talk by phone or set up a time for you to come in and see options and talk over details in person. We look forward to helping you with any cremation needs you might have in the future.

Those Who Have Cremation Plans And Those Who Don’t

There are two types of people in this world: people who make final service plans for themselves and people who don’t. Do you have Lake Helen, FL cremation services planned for yourself? Here’s a comparison of those two types of people to show you the advantages of having such services planned out in advance:

Orlando, FL cremation services

The Costs

Those who plan cremation services in advance have a great cost advantage over those who wait and let their family plans things when they pass on. When you plan your own cremation, you have the option of paying in advance as well. The costs are today’s prices and no matter when you use the services in the future, there are no more charges. You can save a significant amount of money by planning ahead. Plus, you relieve your family of those costs and planning burdens. If you don’t plan ahead, the cost can be higher in the future and your family is responsible for it.

Your Wants

Planning your own cremation is a nice final gift for your family. They know just what you would have wanted, plus they don’t have the stress of planning anything themselves. They just call the funeral home that holds your plans and things start in motion from there. They can sit back, gather together, mourn, and support one another. If you don’t make plans, however, your family may have no idea what you would have wanted. It can be overwhelming for them to make plans when they don’t really know what you wanted. Once they make a few choices, they have to go through all the details and add that to-do list to their already high emotions and everything else going on in their life.

Peace Of Mind

You probably sleep fine at night, not really thinking about your death in the future, whenever it may occur. But if you worry about your family, planning your own final services in advance can help you have peace of mind that everything is in place. You know you will get what you want. You know your family won’t have the burden of making plans. And you know the costs are covered. That’s a great way to give you an extra sense of peace in your days. If you don’t plan, on the other hand, you might not really think that far ahead. But if you do, remember that your family may have extra stress and burdens when you pass and you may not get what you really want for final services since they will have to guess.

If you’re ready to plan your own Lake Helen, FL cremation services, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory by calling (386) 775-2101. We can give you a list of options and packages and you can think things over and put your plans into place whenever you are ready. You can visit us in person for further advice at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763.