If you are going back and forth as to what final services you should plan for your loved one, it can definitely be a hard decision to make. Keep in mind that both main final disposition methods are perfectly respectful and honorable. If you choose cremation Services in Deland, FL, you can feel good about the choice you have made on behalf of your loved one if the following items are true.
Your Family Agrees To It
If you aren’t sure what your loved one wanted, but your family is completely agreeable towards cremation, it’s the right choice for you. You want to make sure your family is okay with the option you move forward with and cremation will feel like the better choice if everyone agrees to it.
It’s What You Can Afford
You don’t want your loved one’s final services to be about costs, but those definitely have to play a role in what you decide. Traditional burials are going to be more expensive so if cremation is what you can afford, it’s the right choice. There’s nothing wrong with choosing this disposition because of costs, either. It’s perfectly honorable and a good way to show your loved one the respect and dignity they deserve.
The Services Are Better Served By Cremation
If you want to have a memorial a month from now or you would like to have a celebration of life in a park for your loved one, cremation makes those goals easier to reach. There are certain services that simply go better with cremation and if you decide on services of those natures, cremation is the best option. Grief is hard to take on alone and you don’t need to go at it alone.
You Know Your Loved One Was Okay With It
Whether they indicated that they wanted cremation for sure or not, if you at least knew that your loved one was okay with the idea of cremation, that can make it the right option for your family. It’s hard to guess what someone wanted if they never really said, but if your loved one attended the cremations of friends and mentioned that the services were nice and they never directly opposed it, you can feel more comfortable choosing it for them.
When you are ready to work on cremation Services in Deland, FL for a loved one, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here for you. We won’t make any decisions for you, but we can lay out the options so you can make decisions based on what you feel is best for your family. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll give you the information you need to move forward. You can also set up a time to speak with our funeral director in person. You can tour our facilities as well at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL 32763. We want to show you our compassion and support as you go through some of the harder times you will face. Visit our website for more information about us at Baldaufffuneralhome.com.