Are Cremation Services Preferable?

When you decide on a disposition method, either for yourself or a loved one, you might have a preference for one over the other. Some people choose traditional burials and funerals while others go with cremation services in Lake Helen, FL. Both are completely acceptable and dignified and can honor someone who has passed on. When you are deciding for someone else, or for yourself, you have to figure out if you prefer cremation services. Here are why some people go that direction over traditional burials.

cremation services in Orlando, FL

The Cost-Effective Nature

Sometimes, people choose cremation services just because they are cost-effective and there’s nothing wrong with making the choice for that reason. Cremation simply costs less and there are a number of reasons why that’s the case. Cremation doesn’t take as many products or services, which cuts down on the cost quite a bit. Families can save money, which they can use for other things, or they can get final services done on a tight budget.

The Options Alone

While cost is often important, some families that have enough money for burial still go with cremation because of the options it allows. With burial, you have to have a cemetery plot and a burial ceremony. With cremation, you can find a resting place for your loved one just about anywhere. You can have services whenever you’d like and wherever you’d like. The options are nearly endless and allow families versatility and freedom to decide what they want to do for their loved ones.

Personal Wishes

Sometimes, cremation is preferable just because the person who passed on wanted it over a traditional burial. If you are planning your own services in advance, you can make those wishes known through your will or through the pre-plans the funeral home sets up and holds for you. If you are planning for a loved one, it can be harder to know if they haven’t left plans behind. In those cases, you have to guess at what they would have wanted or chosen based on the personal wishes of the family members who will attend their final services.

When you are thinking about cremation services in Lake Helen, FL versus traditional burials, keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. Both are perfectly acceptable and honorable. If you are planning for a loved one, knowing that fact can help you make a choice with the peace of mind that whichever direction you go, your loved one gets the respect they deserve. It can also help you make a choice for yourself and know that your family will accept whatever direction you take. When you are ready to move forward with any kind of final service plans, contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763. We can set up a time for you to talk to our funeral director if you call us at (386) 775-2101 or you can ask questions and get details over the phone. We’re here to help with final services, whoever they’re for, and whatever type they are.

Planning Cremation Services: Ahead Or Wait?

You know that someday, you are going to pass away. It’s only a matter of time. Whether that takes place decades from now or just a few months from now. If you’d like cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL after you pass on, you have two basic options: Plan them ahead of time yourself or wait and let your family do it. Here are the pros and cons of each to help you make a decision.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

Pro Of Planning: Get What You Want

If you decide to plan your own cremation services, you can get just what you want for those services. There’s no need to worry that your family won’t do things as you want them to because you set everything up yourself.

Pro Of Waiting: You Don’t Deal With It

If you decide to leave the plans up to your family, the good news is that you don’t have to deal with a thing. You can ignore your own mortality and live your life to its fullest until your time comes. Once you are gone, you may not care what happens because you aren’t there to participate in or witness it.

Con Of Waiting: Burdening Your Family

If you wait and don’t set up plans for yourself, sure, you don’t have to deal with the plans, but your family does. That’s a huge downside for them. They will be mourning you and their emotions will be heavy. On top of that grief, they have to guess what you would have wanted and try to make plans in your absence. It’s a huge burden on them that you can lift by planning in advance.

Pro Of Planning: Payment Options

If you like the idea of relieving your family of burdens, you might also like the idea of paying for your cremation services in advance. This isn’t a necessary part of the process, but when you pay ahead of time, you get today’s prices, which can save you a lot of money down the road. Plus, it’s one less thing your family has to worry about when the time comes. Not only do they get to just call the funeral home and start the plans you’ve created, but they don’t have to worry about finding them either.

These pros and cons can help you decide what direction you want to take on cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL. If you’d like to move forward and work on your own final services, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help you do that. You can meet with our funeral director at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763. If you just have questions as you consider your options, contact us at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll get you the information you need to make decisions for yourself. You can also visit our website to look over the services we offer, get ideas, and help yourself talk through things with your family to make it all easier for everyone involved:

Ways to Deal with a Heavy Loss

When someone very close to you dies, it can rip your world apart. Moving forward might seem like it’s impossible. However, it’s not. No matter how unmanageable your grief may seem, it can get better. You just need to actively work at it.

cremation service in Orlando, FL

Set a Schedule

Idle hands are the devil’s playthings. When your mind is free to dwell on whatever it wants, it’s easily become trapped in the labyrinth of your grief. Distracting yourself is one of the best things that you can do. This could mean going back to work or hanging out with friends. Maybe start volunteering. If you can force yourself to think about other things, it may lessen the vehemence of your grief.

Find Support

Reach out to your friends and family for support. You should also think about joining a support group. Speaking with people who have had similar experiences might be helpful. You can learn how other people coped when their lives were thrown off track. Moving past a heavy loss is very, very difficult.

You also have the option of seeing a professional grief counselor. This is a good idea if you find yourself becoming depressed or it becomes difficult to go about your daily life.

Get Healthy

The healthier your body is, the better your mind will feel. Nourish yourself by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and don’t forget about your self-care routine. After a trauma, sometimes people forget to shower and brush their teeth. It becomes hard simply to exist. However, allowing yourself to sink into this state just makes everything worse.

Write it Down

You have a lot of emotions. It might be easier to work through them if you wrote them down. Start recording your day in a journal. Because it’s for your eyes only, you don’t have to worry about if it’s well-written or if the grammar is correct. It’s okay if you feel anger or rage. Don’t judge yourself for having feelings. You’re relieving your family of the cost that can be associated with planning a funeral, allowing them to celebrate and honor your life.

Start Moving

Exercise floods your brain with endorphins. If you start working out after your loss, it could help you recover mentally. It might be very hard to get started but push through anyway. The rewards are definitely worth it. You don’t have to start out with a marathon. Simply walking around the block might be enough at first.

At Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, our compassionate and professional team can help you plan your loved one’s end-of-life service, so you don’t have to think about it. It’s one less worry on your plate. We’re conveniently located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763. You can reach us anytime at (386) 775-2101. Our team is committed to serving you in this very difficult time. Let us help you plan your loved one’s cremation service in Lake Helen, FL. You can trust us to do it with dignity and respect.

Which Cremation Service Is Right For Your Family?

It can be very hard to make decisions for someone else after they have passed on. Perhaps you know your loved one wanted cremation services in Deland, FL, but there are a variety of options surrounding the actual cremation itself. Which should you choose? Here are some options to consider and what might be right for your family.

cremation services in Deland, FL

Your Family Is Spread Apart

IF your family is located all over the country, it might be best to go with direct cremation. There are no services before the cremation takes place, but you can have whatever type of service after that you’d like. When you go with direct cremation, you buy yourself time. There’s no longer a timeline for any service. After the cremation is complete, you can take your time in gathering people together and planning something really special.

Your Family Is Very Traditional

If your family finds comfort in the traditions of a regular funeral, they might like a visitation to say a final goodbye and a funeral for closure. In that case, you can have those services before the cremation takes place. After the funeral services are done, the cremation can happen and you can have an ash scattering or another service after that if you’d like.

Your Family Is Nature-Oriented

If you can’t remember the last time your family gathered at an inside event, having some kind of memorial outside is always an option. Gather in a park to remember your loved one where you can plant a tree, scatter ashes, dedicate a park bench, or even share memories. Having something outside keeps the feeling more casual and laid back and can be something more of your family is comfortable with.

Your Family Doesn’t Get Along

It’s sad when families have rifts in them, but it happens more often than you’d think. If you really want everyone in your family to have a chance to honor your loved one, but you don’t really want to gather them all in the same location for fear of someone having words with someone else, consider having a few different memorial services in different locations. Incite certain family members to a memorial service in the funeral home and others to an ash scattering in the park, or something of that nature.

When you are planning cremation services in Deland, FL for a loved one, it can be hard to decide what direction to take the services around their cremation. Think about what they would have wanted, what your family would appreciate, and what you can feasibly do with your budget and timeline. There are no right or wrong answers and you have to do what you think is best with what you have to work with. Give Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory a call at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll give you suggestions until you reach the right answers. You can visit our funeral director to look over packages and options at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763.

Steps For Booking Cremation Services In Advance


Not everyone has the foresight to plan their final services in advance. If you want your family to be burden-free from the planning and perhaps even the financial side of things, perhaps you have started to look into Cremation services in Lake Helen, FL so you can put your own plans into place for the future. There are a few steps you’ll want to take as you move ahead with the process.

Step 1: Consider All Of The Options

If you’re going with cremation, that process is the same no matter what. But you can add services around the process and decide when it takes place after your death. You could have direct cremation, which happens right away after the paperwork is done. Then, you could have a memorial service later, if you’d like. Or, you could have a full funeral first and then be cremated after that occurs. Consider the options before you make final decisions so you can be sure about the direction you take.

Step 2: Visit A Funeral Home

Once you know what you want, or if you want to look further into certain options, visit with a funeral director to get things set up. You can look over packages, customize certain things, or take information home to think about. After touring the funeral home, you can decide if it is a good location for a memorial service, if you wish to have one, or if you want to have one in your church, in a park, or even in a family member’s home. The funeral home can take down all of your plans and keep them for you so all your family has to do is call them when the time comes.

Step 3: Pay Ahead, If You Wish

Funeral homes can help you with your plans at no charge and you don’t have to pay for the final services in advance. However, if you wish to relieve your family of not only the plans, but also the costs associated with them, then paying ahead can be a good idea. Plus, when you pay in advance, you pay today’s prices, which will definitely save you money compared to whatever the prices will be in the future.

Step 4: Talk To FamilyCremation services in Lake Helen, FL

Sometime during the process, it’s a good idea to talk to your family about your cremation plans so they know what’s coming and aren’t shocked or surprise when you pass on to learn what you want.

These are just a few of the simplified steps you will take, though you can utilize different orders, if you’d like. When you’re ready to plan your Cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 for more information about the packages we have available, or visit with our funeral director in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL 32763. We want you to get as much of your plans in order as you’d like.