Things You Don’t Often Hear About Grief–But Should

When you are grieving before, during, and after cremation services in Lake Helen, FL. You are going to hear a lot of things about grief. People are going to tell you they are sorry for your loss. They might tell you that time heals all wounds or that things are going to get better down the road. Everyone who attends the services and tries to comfort there is trying to support you. But there are some things they likely won’t say about grief that are also true. And perhaps some of these things are just what you need to hear.

Grief Is Different For Everyone

As you take a look at family members grieving around you, it might seem like they are in a different place than you are. They’re dealing with things better or they’re able to cry when you’re not. What you need to know is that whatever you are feeling is okay. Grief doesn’t look the same for everyone and it moves at a different pace in various people as well. Your grief is your own and there’s nothing wrong with how it manifests in you, even if it looks different on others around you.

There Aren’t Defined Stages

You’ve probably heard about the stages of grief and you may even see yourself move through some of them. But what if you skip one? Are you doing it wrong? What if you get stuck in one? Is that bad? The truth is, there aren’t any hard and fast defined stages that everyone goes through. The stages can change, expand, contract, and some of them even come and go. Grief is complex and can’t be expected to follow one line every time.

There Is No Grief Timeline

So you’ve been mourning for a week, a month, a year…when will it stop? There’s no direct timeline to go along with grief. Time often makes things better, but grief can hand on. If you see someone else getting over the situation easier, but you’re not—that’s okay. There’s no timeline attached to how long you can or even should grieve.

If you need to hear more things about grief that you don’t normally hear from those around you, the compassionate individuals who run your loved one’s cremation services in Lake Helen, FL are here to help. The experts at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory help to organized and implement these final services, but we are also there to show you compassion and support in other ways. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 to ask questions about grief or to get some of the grief resources we have available. We know local support groups, counselors, and other things you might appreciate as you are going through your own grieving process. You can also visit with us in person if you’d like to speak about grief, cremation, or other related topics. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL and we’re here for you.

What To Do If Cremation Services Take A Turn

There are few things that you can guarantee about life, but there are a couple that are pretty set in stone. First, death is a part of life. There’s nothing you can do to prevent death from happening to you and around you during your lifetime. You might find the need to organize cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL for a loved one who has passed on at some point or perhaps you want to take things into your own hands, be proactive, and organize them for yourself. Second, you can’t control everything, no matter how hard you try. There are going to be some things that are outside of your realm of control—including how things come together at the cremation service you are planning. If things take a turn and aren’t unraveling the way you’d hoped they would, here are a few things you can do.

Take A Deep Breath

Depending on what is happening at the cremation service that you didn’t want, take a deep breath and remind yourself that life happens. Things go wrong. Perhaps the projector isn’t working and people can’t see the tribute video you put together. Place it online privately later and share the link with those who missed seeing it. It may not be ideal, but there’s nothing you can do about it other than try your best to rectify things later.

Get Professionals To Step In

One of the reasons you will want to work with a funeral home on the memorial service is so you have their expertise throughout the process. They will be able to look ahead and prevent as many problems from happening as possible. When something comes up, with any luck, they can deal with it quickly and efficiently so you can carry on with the service you wanted for your loved one.

Schedule Another Service

If it’s raining on the day you were supposed to scatter ashes or something else takes place that throws the service completely off track, you might see it fit to reschedule. That can be hard if family traveled into town, but perhaps even waiting a few hours can clear things up. You’d rather have the service at a different time than deal with the disasters that are coming down on it now.

If you need help planning cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to do everything in our power to make sure all of the details come together smoothly and your loved one’s final services go according to your plans. Give us a call at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll look into the future and head off anything possible so there won’t be problems when the service occurs. Visit with our funeral director at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL and let’s talk through what you want and how we can bring the details together effectively and efficiently. We want you to be able to honor your loved one without interruption.

Cremation Services Are Always Unique

If you are arranging final services for a loved one and they haven’t left any plans behind, the first thing you have to decide is whether you should give them a traditional service or cremation services in Deland, FL. While traditional funerals are often similar because of the ceremony and traditions involved, cremation services are thought of as more unique. If there’s one thing you can guarantee your loved one, it’s that their cremation service will be unique and special. Why is that? Because all cremation services are unique. Here are a few ways in which you can ensure that’s the case:

First, Your Loved One Is Unique

In this way, funerals and cremation services are always unique, even if you do the exact same thing someone else has done in the past. You are doing those things for your loved one, which makes them unique right off the bat. Your loved one was a special person and there was no one else like them. When you honor them, even if you choose some of the same methods others have used, it’s unique.

Second, The Services Chosen

When you go with cremation services, the cremation process itself is the same for everyone. However, the services you choose to go around the cremation can be completely unique and different, if you want. Some people have a memorial service right away that feels like a funeral. Others decide to have a memorial service that is more of a celebration of life. There are also smaller, more intimate choices in an ash scattering ceremony. What you do is completely up to what your family wants.

Third, The Details Included

While most of the service styles have been done before, you can do things within them that are completely different and unique. Include a picture video of your loved one. Have someone sing their favorite song. Pass out some of their book collection at the end. And do other things to highlight their personality specifically.

Fourth, The Resting Place

You could very well choose a resting place that no one else has or will ever have. If you keep your loved one’s remains in an urn in your house, for example, that’s completely unique. If you scatter them in your yard and then plant a tree over them, that’s also unique. You could also scatter their ashes in one or many places.

You are in charge of your loved one’s cremation services in Deland, FL and no matter what you do, whether it’s traditional or different, it will be special and unique in honoring your loved one. If you want ideas, the experts at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here for you. Call us at (386) 775-2101 and we can go over the basics so you can start to make decisions and when you meet with us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL, we’ll get into the details on what you want to do. Our compassion to you will remain consistent throughout the process.

Q&A On Direct Cremation

If you are in the process of planning a direct cremation service in Lake Helen, FL for a loved one, or for yourself in advance, there are certain questions you might have. You certainly aren’t alone. Many people who go through the planning process have the same questions. Getting answers can help you make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Here are some of the answers, along with the questions, to help you get started down whatever path is right for you.


Is Direct Cremation The Most Cost-Effective Route?

Yes. Cremation is the least expensive disposition method and of the types under the cremation umbrella, direct cremation is the most cost-effective and has the lowest bottom line. Much of this is because there are very few products and services that go into the process, which cuts back on the cost quite a bit.

How Long Does Cremation Take?

Once the cremation process begins, it takes only a few hours for the body to be turned into ash-like remains. The intense heat (not flames) reduces the body into its basic elements. The height and weight of the person can change how long it takes, but generally, it’s only a few hours.

What Do People Wear For Cremation?

Cremation can be done with people wearing a variety of things. They can be placed into a cremation casket with nothing on, with a cremation gown on, with an outfit of their family’s choosing, or something brand new the family has purchased. As long as there aren’t certain elements on the clothes (like metal or plastic), it can be worn for the process.

Can Family Members Watch Cremation?

Often, yes, but that all depends on the cremation provider you choose. To avoid confusion, ask upfront before you commit to a cremation with a certain provider and find out later the family cannot view the cremation, but really wants to.

What Are Cremated Remains Like?

Remains are ground down after the cremation process and look much like ashes from a fireplace. They are coarse, like sand, and range in color from white to gray. They generally weigh anywhere from 4-8 pounds, depending on the person’s height and weight.

What Cremation Container Does The Provider Use?

The provider will use whatever urn you choose for your loved one’s remains, if you’d like. Otherwise, they will provide you with a simple container, like a box, for the remains.

If you have more questions about cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, that’s perfectly understandable. Contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory by calling (386) 775-2101. Don’t hesitate in asking us anything and everything you want to know. You can also visit with us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL. We’d be happy to take you on a tour of our facility and talk through any other details you want to clear up. We want you to get the cremation you need for your loved one or for yourself as part of final plans. We’re here to help you through the planning process and beyond.

Questions To Ask Before Committing To A Cremation Service Provider

If you have decided that you want cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL for your own final disposition method, that’s a huge first step to make in planning your services in advance. However, next, you will want to find a cremation service provider so you can get your plans written down and ready for your family in the future. Before you commit to a certain provider, ask the following questions to ensure they are the right provider for your needs.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

What Services Do You Have?

Before you assume the cremation provider has the services you want, ask! You don’t want to promise your cremation to them and then find out they don’t do something you really want. That’s a pain for you to have to switch to a new provider. Find out what services they have and get general price lists and packages so you can forego this headache later.

Can My Family Witness The Cremation?

If you know your family will want to see the cremation take place, or you think they might, you will want to see if that is an option. If it’s an option you want to at least have available to them, make sure the provider has it as a choice. If you don’t need that option, it doesn’t matter, and you don’t need to ask.

How Are The Deceased Handled?

You want a cremation provider that takes the utmost care with the individuals who have passed away. They should talk about how they transport people, how they are cared for before the cremation takes place, how they are treated during cremation, and how the remains are collected and stored after. You want to know all of those details to ensure they have the processes in order to take the kind of care of you that you deserve and want.

If I Pay Now, Do Prices Increase Later?

Most cremation providers will allow you to pay for your cremation in advance by utilizing today’s prices. They will not charge your family more later if the prices rise in the future. But it is a good question to ask to ensure that is the case. If you want your family free of burdens, you don’t want a provider that is going to charge them fees to make up the difference in the future.

If you are ready to move forward with cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to answer these and any other questions you have for us. We understand your plans are important to your future and to your family. Visit us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and we can help you get things in order. You can also call first, ask questions, and get some ideas to talk over with your family before you move forward. You can reach us at (386) 775-2101 and we’ll help you in any way we can.