Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing Cremation

If you want to plan your own services, just taking steps in that direction is a great thing for your family’s future. You will be leaving them with as few burdens as possible and they will know just what you want. When you make the decision between traditional burial and cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL for your pre-plans, you want to be sure about the choice. Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before you commit to cremation over burial:

Why Does Cremation Appeal To Me?

If you’ve weighed the options and you’re leaning toward cremation, there are likely many reasons why that’s the case. You might want to think through them so you are ready to answer questions your loved ones might have. Plus, knowing your reasoning can help you gain your own peace of mind that you are making the right decision for yourself. You might want to go with cremation because of costs, options, or simple preference reasons, among others.

Do I Know Everything I Want To Know?

Before you set everything in store, you might want to make sure you have the research in place and that you know what you’d like to know. You don’t have to understand every detail about cremation, just whatever you want to know about it. If you still have questions, ask them or find out the answers online before you move forward so you can be sure about your decision.

What Will My Family Think?

It’s likely that your family’s opinion matters to you a great deal and you might need to sit down and have a talk to them either before or after you put your plans into place. It’s best for them to know what you have planned so they aren’t surprised by it when you pass on in the future. If you know they would be okay with cremation, that makes it easier for you to go that direction. While your final services revolve around you, they are also for your family members and you wat them to get what they need from them.

Is Cremation Absolutely The Best Option?

Before you sign any paperwork and make the ultimate decisions, you need to be certain that cremation is the choice you want. Cremation is permanent, once it occurs. And once you put the plans into place, you are saying unequivocally that it’s what you want. Don’t make the plans until you are certain it’s the best option for you.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

When you decide that cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL is what you want after asking these and any other questions you have for yourself, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory and we can help you put your pre-plans into place. We’ll support any decisions you make and keep a hold of the plans until you are ready to use them. We’ll implement the plans when that time comes and relieve your family of as many burdens as possible.

Are Cremation Services Your Right Choice?

There’s nothing easy about planning final services. You’ll have to consider a lot of things and your loved one’s needs are at the forefront of your home. When you are planning on someone else’s behalf and you don’t know what you would have wanted, you might feel like you have to guess. Keep in mind that both traditional and cremation services in Deland, FL are completely honorable. That means there are no wrong choices. You just have to decide which option is more right for your situation. Here are a few reasons why cremation might be your right choice in this situation.

It’s Affordable

If your loved one didn’t plan their services ahead of time, chances are they didn’t leave money behind to pay for them either. If you have to foot the bill, cremation is the more affordable option. And there’s nothing wrong with using it because you can afford it. You’ll be saving thousands of dollars, most likely, and you can give your loved one the proper sendoff they deserve at the same time.

You Get Options

When you choose traditional burial, the options are laid out before you because things usually take a certain course. When you choose cremation, there are a lot more choices to make. You might find it comforting to know that you can do whatever truly suits your loved one, whether that’s an ash scattering, a celebration of life, or a formal memorial. You also have flexibility in every area so you can bend things to suit whatever your circumstances might be.

It’s Simple

Not everyone wants a highly involved, detailed funeral. If you want something that’s over with quickly and is simple and dignified, cremation might be the right choice. The process is smooth and easy, and you can do whatever you want afterwards.

The Timing Can Vary

Once someone passes on, the clock starts ticking down and you have to plan their funeral quickly and efficiently. IF you go with cremation, however, you can stop the clock. Once the cremation is complete, the memorial service can take place whenever you want it to. You might find it comforting to know that you have as much time as you need to plan something truly special and memorable for your loved one.

cremation services in Deland, FL

There are lots of other reasons why cremation services in Deland, FL might be the right choice for your situation. Keep in mind that there are really no right or wrong options and there also are no right or wrong reasons to go one way or the other. The professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory can lay out your choices for you and make sure you have what you need to make an informed decision. Once you decide on behalf of your loved one, we will support your decision and implement it with respect and dignity every step of the way. Call us for a consultation, with questions, or to set up a tour to see how we operate in person.

Do You Want To View Cremation Services?

Not everyone knows very much about cremation services in Lake Helen, FL today, even though it is more accepted and more used today than ever before. If you are interested in cremation for yourself, or for a loved one who has passed on, there are a lot of things to consider.

While cremation itself is the same for everyone, the process can take place at different times. If you want to have a full funeral and visitation first, for example, you can do that. The cremation would then take place after those events are complete. On the other hand, you could go with direct cremation, which happens soon after death without any services beforehand. Those options are one of the first decisions to make.

Once a family decides to go with cremation, there might also be the option of viewing that process. Is that something that interests you? You might ask yourself some questions to see if it’s the best fit for you.

Would It Give Me More Closure?

Those who have funerals and viewings often feel that they get the closure they need through those events. But if you go with direct cremation, you wouldn’t have that to lean back on. In those cases, viewing the cremation may give you the closure you need and the change to say a final goodbye before your loved one’s body is turned to ash. It can be too much for some people to handle while others need it. It’s completely up to you to decide.

Would Other Family Members Want it?

If you think you might want to view the cremation, you should check around and see if other family members would like to join you. It’s not something you want to go through alone, like a memorial service. You need support through something hard like seeing a loved one cremated. It’s very final and can be very emotional.

Would My Loved One Want It?

People who are particularly private perhaps wouldn’t want their loved ones to see this event take place. On the other hand, you might feel that you don’t want to leave your loved one alone when this process takes place. You knew your loved one best and only you can decide what path to take.

When you are thinking about cremation services in Lake Helen, FL for a loved one, consider viewing the process of cremation if you think it is in the best interest of your family members. You can get details on that from the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory by visiting us at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL 32763. We can show you the crematory and ensure that you know just what’s to take place when the time for cremation arrives. You can also call us for information or to go over some package details and options. You can get ahold of us at (386) 775-2101 at any time. Get information on cremation and other services we offer online at

What Can You Customize Around Cremation Services?

Some people mistakenly believe that cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL are impersonal and the same every time. While the cremation process itself is always the same, there are many things you can customize and personalize around the service. Here are just a few to consider:

Viewing The Process

While not everyone is comfortable with this, one way to make things feel more personal and special is to gather your close family and actually watch the cremation take place. Not every facility has that as an option so make sure you ask before you get your hopes up. You can feel better about how your loved one is handled when you see things for yourself. And it certainly makes the whole thing feel more personal.

Choosing An Urn

When you pick a cremation package, you can use the provided simple container for your loved one’s ashes after the cremation process takes place, if you want. However, many families decide to choose an urn for their loved one so they have something more personal and customized to their liking. The funeral home can tell you what size you need, because yes, there are size differences, and then you can get whatever you want. Funeral homes often have a wide variety of options, but you don’t have to buy from them. You can get the urn from any vendor and the funeral home will use it. It’s a nice way to customize your loved one’s resting place for a memorial service or other things that might come after the process is complete.

Arranging A Service

The service you have for your loved one is the most customized part of the process. You can virtually do anything you want. You can have a memorial that feels like a funeral or you can have a celebration of life. You can also just have something simple like an ash scattering to remember them in a small, intimate way. There are no limits on how you can customize this part of the process through music, readings, pictures, and so on.

If you want your loved one’s cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL to be special, just like they were, that means customizing details to treat it like an individual process. The professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory can help you with those details. Visit with us in person at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL 32763 and we can go over the packages and options and help you start to customize certain details that are important to you. Once we get to know you and, through you, also your loved one, we will suggest certain things that might work well for your family. We won’t make decisions for you, but we will certainly support anything you decide. Call us at (386) 775-2101 and we will help you set up an appointment and get the initial information ready to move forward whenever you are ready to do so. Get details on our company at

Cremation Service Myths And Truths

Cremation services in Deland, FL have been around for centuries, but that doesn’t mean you know that much about them. In fact, because they are becoming more popular within society as a whole, more people are trying to learn about them so they can figure out whether or not they want to organize a cremation for themselves someday, or for a loved one on a sooner level. Here are some of the myths about cremation that you need to hear truths about so you can make your own decisions when the time comes.

Myth 1: The Remains May Or May Not Be Your Loved One

One of the biggest myths that surrounds cremation is that if you have cremation done for a loved one, you never know if you are getting their remains back, someone else’s, or a mixture. That myth is beyond untrue. Cremation services have strict protocols and procedures in place so that does not happen. There are no mistakes and providers take every precaution to ensure it. When you have a loved one cremated and you receive their ashes after the process is complete, it’s them through and through.

Myth 2: Cremation Is Impersonal

This myth is more of an opinion that some people have that somehow morphed into something other people believed as well. But it is also untrue. Cremation, the process, happens in about the same way every time. Just as a traditional burial takes place in the same manner. However, the services you have around the cremation are what make things personal, unique, and special. With cremation, you can do anything you want for your loved one and you can create something truly memorable in their honor. It can be an even more personal process than other options, in fact.

Myth 3: Cremation Is Bad For The Environment

There are many debates over this and there is not yet a hard and fast solution, but overall, most people believe the cremation is easier on the environment than a traditional burial. The cremation process does put some emissions out into the environment, but it does not place harmful chemicals into the ground like traditional burial can. It also does not place metals into the ground, and it does not take up precious ground space. Those things make it friendlier to the environment than the alternative.

There are a lot of other myths surrounding cremation services in Deland, FL and before you believe everything you hear, check into the truth of each claim. If you are confused or want real answers, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory at (386) 775-2101. We won’t try to talk you into one method over the other, but we will give you the information you need to make a decision for yourself. When you want to see our facilities, tour our crematory, or visit with a funeral director, you’re welcome to visit us at 1233 Saxon Blvd Orange City, FL. You need details, we have them, and we’re here to help you figure everything out.