Getting Closure After Cremation


Traditional funerals have certain traditions in place for a reason. A lot of families appreciate their rituals because they give them a chance to say a final goodbye and get closure over the death of their loved one. But what about Deland, FL cremation? The same traditions aren’t always carried out with that disposition method. So how can you get closure over the events that occurred? The methods vary and there’s no one right or wrong way. Here are a few options to consider:  

Spend Time With Your Loved One 

It might sound strange, but one of the things that works well at traditional funerals is the visitation. People get to see their loved one and spend a few final moments with them, even though they are in a casket. After cremation, that’s not possible, but you can still do things to spend time with your loved one. Grab a picture of them or an item they were particularly fond of and take it to a special place. Talk to them and tell them goodbye in your own way. When you release them from the world, you may feel the closure you need.  

Set Up A Memorial 

While traditional funerals generally happen right away, memorials can take place any time, anywhere, and in any manner. If you set up a memorial, it can feel much like a traditional funeral, if you’d like. It can take place in a church or funeral home or any other location. You can also set something more casual up in a park, your home, or even a restaurant. Having a memorial service to mark the end point of your loved one’s life can help you get the closure you need over the situation.  

Talk About It Deland, FL cremation

One thing that helps a lot of people who are grieving is to simply talk about what happened and what they are going through. You’ll need to find a special person to talk to, like another family member who is going through the same thing or a friend who understands grief. Some people even turn to a counselor to help them talk out their feelings. Discussing what you are going through can really help you gain access to the closure you need to move on.  

There are no right or wrong answers regarding what you should do around DeLand, FL cremation to get the closure you need. These items are simply suggestions that might work for you. If you need further resources or help with the process, contact the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory. We can help you set up cremations for a loved one, but we don’t just disappear after that. We’re filled with compassion for you and we want you to get to the other side of this difficult time. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can reach us by phone by calling (386) 775-2101 for a consultation. Check out our website for resources and more details at