Losing a loved one can be one of the most painful experiences an individual can go through. In most cases, the person may need extra support, especially after the cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, are complete. It can be helpful to have reminders that they can look at so they know they have people they can reach out to because this can help them get through the grief process, so here are a few gift ideas that can make a difference.
Gift Certificates
Grief can manifest differently in everyone, and because self-care is an integral part of getting through the process, gift cards might be the perfect option to offer them. There are many options to choose from, like helpful services such as house cleaning or yard care to ease their stress at home. Or something more focused on their situation, so choosing movie certificates or a massage can potentially offer them a sense of relaxation as they are going through the transition.
Streaming Services
There are multiple services to choose from that offer movies and TV for more complicated days or just days of rest. This can be especially true if children live in the household, so finding more kid-friendly streaming services can help offer a break from the emotions and help offer some entertainment.
Some companies specialize in table arrangements which is an excellent alternative to flowers because these will last much longer. Succulents are easy to care for, and they’re also a beautiful addition to any home and can be set as a reminder that the person is supported and loved.
Bird Feeder
If the individual experiencing grief is an avid bird lover, you could purchase a feeder that is personalized for them about their loved ones. This will foster a feeling of comfort and, at the same time, can bring them some joy from watching the birds as they eat.
Choosing something that can be worn can also help individuals know that they are supported and cared for. Picking a simple piece like a sterling silver bracelet can be a great option, or even a personalized necklace lets them know they are not alone.
Butterfly Feeder
Nature can help create a sense of ease in peace for some individuals, and some companies are making butterfly feeders that can be personalized with colors and phrases about the loved one. This can be a unique and thoughtful gift to add to an outdoor area.
Families and Community Make us Great.
Because the experience of loss is different for everyone, it may be hard to determine the best gift for the individual. Starting with considering what their hobbies are and simply asking them can be helpful to get a better idea of what to provide.
When it comes to the cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, the event needs to be thoughtful and created in a way that truly honors the loved one, and we are here to help. We offer multiple services and understand the intricacies of planning compassionate events, so give us a call today to schedule your appointment.