cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

What Are The Different Types of Cremation You Can Choose From


The process of cremation goes beyond the matter of burning a body until nothing but dust is left. It is in fact, a little more complicated than that. We know how confusing times of sorrow can be. At Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory we want to make this process a lot more manageable for you. It is already hard enough actually making the decisions that need to be made, imagine having to worry about putting the information together as well. This one might be what comes to your mind when you think of the term cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL.

You can focus on what is really important to you and your loved ones at this moment. Here is the information you may need. Funeral and similar rituals that are done with the purpose of mourning losses could be fundamental. For example, in how we grieve, how we reinforce social ties, how we deal with vulnerability and loss in general. Also, they reflect how we connect as humans.

With cremation becoming more popular of an option these days, there are now some choices that could be made within this realm. Here are the different types of cremation.

Traditional Cremation

The actual cremation is usually preceded by a funeral. Quite commonly, these have a wake within days of death. This option is more on the expensive side. That being due to the body having to be present at the funeral, wake, and visitation. For that to be possible, it needs to be preserved somehow. That is where embalming comes into play; there is no preservation of a dead body without it being embalmed.

Direct Cremation

This is the most affordable of them all. It involves directly transferring the remains to the cremation center without a previous funeral service taking place. It does not require a casket either, a reason that adds to it being a lot cheaper.

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

Liquid cremation

This process involves the use of alkali and water for the decomposition process to be accelerated. Its name is Alkaline Hydrolysis and it is an alternative to flame cremation. Taking from 3 to 16 hours, it is not precisely what you would call a short process. The total time it takes depends on body mass and equipment employed. Some medical devices, like pacemakers, do not have to be removed as is the case with conventional cremation.

After someone we love dies, it is completely normal to go through a process to mourn the loss. New emotions that feel overwhelming or confusing may arise. This process has been analyzed by professionals with the intention of helping people out in coping with it.

The term “green cremation” in Daytona Beach, FL has become a lot more common recently. It is nothing more than alkaline hydrolysis. The solution that results from draining bone fragments that are left, can be recycled through the wastewater treatment system. The environmental benefits of this option are what have brought its recent popularity. Also, it has been found to reduce more than 75% of a body’s carbon footprint and it consumes 1/8 of energy used in conventional flamed-based cremation.

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Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory

Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory

As one of the oldest and most recognizable landmarks in the area, Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory is a stately ode to Orange City history. Established in 1973, our funeral home and cemetery has evolved greatly over the years to accommodate the evolving needs of our community.