Funeral Home Mistruths

funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL

While you might know some things about funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL, if you have never worked with one, or it’s been a long time, you might have heard some things that you believe aren’t actually true. Here are some mistruths that you should know about so you can decide what you want to do based on the real truth.

Funeral Services Can Only Be Right After Death

Funerals are traditionally after a person passes away—within a few days. But that doesn’t have to be what happens. While you have to take care of a burial or cremation within a few days, the funeral doesn’t absolutely have to happen first. You can cremate your loved ones or bury them, and then have the funeral if you need more time. The difference is that their body won’t be present in a casket during the service. As long as you’re okay with that, you can have the funeral at any time.

You Can’t Have A Funeral Around Cremation

Some people think that if you decide to cremate a loved one, you can’t have a funeral at all, but that is also not the case. You could have the funeral first, then cremate your loved one. The funeral can be completely normal with visitation and everything. The traditions and ceremonies can be upheld. Then, once that is complete, you can move forward with cremation. Or, you can cremate your loved one and have a funeral after, including their urn instead of a casket.

Embalming Services Are Required

While embalming services are often recommended if you are going to have a visitation or funeral that includes an open casket, do not feel like they are required. Funeral homes are required, by law, to give you the options. You don’t have to embalm your loved one if you don’t want that service. If you are cremating them, you for sure don’t need to. But even if you aren’t, you have the option and you should consider what you want to do.

funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL

Funeral Homes Gouge The Grieving

You might feel like funeral homes are trying to make money off of your grief, but that’s not the case at all—at least not for reputable funeral homes. The right professionals are charging you fair prices for quality services. They aren’t going to try and upsell you or get more out of you than they should. They will help, even if you want minimal services and are on a budget.

When you work with funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL, it’s okay if you have some mistruths that you have heard and want to find out more about. Ask the professionals anything you want to know and they can set you straight if you have something you didn’t know the truth about. The experts at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help you with services from start to finish. Even if you don’t need services for a loved one right now, you can call us about misconceptions and we’ll help.

Benefits Of Cremation Niches

cremation services in Orlando, FL

There are lots of things you can do with a loved one’s ashes after cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, and burying them in the cemetery is one such option. But if you aren’t quite sure about that option, but you do like the idea of them being in a safe location, a niche in the cemetery might be a good fit. Here are some benefits of that option.

Your Loved One’s Remains Are Safe

One thing you can guarantee is that your loved one’s remains are safe. You might be worried about keeping them in your home, for example, because they might get knocked over or the urn might get disturbed. In a niche, the remains will be safe, out of the way, and in an honorable location that you can access any time.

Your Family Has A Place To Visit

When you place your loved one in the cemetery, even in a niche, it gives your loved ones a nice place to visit when they want to think of your loved one. The cemetery is a nice, peaceful place and it gives everyone somewhere they can visit. IF your loved one is scattered or in your home, other family members might not feel as good about the visiting options.

Niches Cost Less Than Burial

Burying a loved one is a completely honorable option, but it is going to cost more than a niche. If you spent most of the budget on the cremation process and whatever memorial service you had, using a niche is a nice way to take care of your loved one’s resting place without spending too much more.

You Have A Memorial For Your Loved One

You can have a memorial service for your loved one, but placing them in a niche might give you a nice place to use as a memorial for your loved one. You don’t have to get a headstone, but you can place their name on the niche so everyone who is there, possibly visiting other people, will know that is where your loved one is resting.

cremation services in Orlando, FL

There are lots of other things you can do as a final resting place for your loved one after their cremation and if you need more ideas, the funeral home and cremation provider can go through the options with you. One of the benefits of cremation is that you have lots of choices to make so you can get a customized experience for your family members and for the person you are trying to care for after they have passed on.

If you want to know more about niches, cremation services in Lake Helen, FL, memorial services, or other options you have to go along with this method, the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help you in every way possible. We won’t make decisions for you, but we are here to support your decisions and give you the compassion you need every step of the way. It’s important to us that you are able to honor your loved one in the right way.

What To Ask Yourself When Planning Funeral Home Services

funeral homes in Orlando, FL

When you have to work with funeral homes in Lake Helen, FL to make plans for a loved one who has passed on, it can be a very hard time in your life. It’s important to take things one step at a time and utilize the compassion and support the professionals offer to you. Here are just a few of the questions you might ask yourself as you attempt to make the right decisions for your deceased loved one and the rest of your family.

Did My Loved One Want A Funeral Or Cremation Service?

It can be hard to decide what a loved one wanted if they never told you. But you know the best and that’s why you are in charge of their services. Think about their personality and style and what you guess they would have liked the best. Sometimes, that’s the best you can do in figuring out what direction you want to take. You need to understand that whatever decision you make for your loved one between traditional burial and cremation services, they are both honorable and respectful. There are no wrong choices, just one that feels better for your family member than the other.

What Does The Budget Look Like?

If your loved one left money behind for their final services, how much do you have to spend? IF you are paying for the services yourself, how much can you afford to spend? If the family is chipping in, what are they able to compile? You need to know what your budget looks like so you know what you can afford. It’s best to start with basic packages and then, you can add things on from there. The packages are a good start since they give you everything you need upfront.

What Funeral Home Can Help?

You can contact any funeral home and get help for your loved one, but that person was very special to you and you want nothing but the best from them. While you might be in a bit of a rush to make sure their needs are met, you will still want to research the professionals to ensure they offer quality services, fair prices, and everything else you need. Once you have a funeral home in mind, you can call them and they will transport your loved one to their facilities and care for them until you figure out what to do next.

funeral homes in Orlando, FL

How Can I Make It Special?

There are lots of ways to make final services special. You will want to customize them in any way you can. That might mean using certain songs, telling stories, having pictures of your loved one, and so on. The funeral home can help you with ideas and options for making things special for your family.

The professionals at funeral homes in Lake Helen, FL might ask you other questions that you can then ask yourself to get things lined up. Call Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory whenever you need any kind of help.

FAQs on Cremation Services

cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL

While cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL have been around for thousands of years, they still feel new to some people as they have just started to get really popular in the last few decades. Today, they are used in half of the cases and if you still have questions about it, that’s okay. Not everyone has encountered cremation services before and not everyone knows everything they want to know about the process. Funeral homes and cremation providers are here to answer those questions at any time, no matter how basic they feel to you. Here are some of the FAQs that can help get you started in the right direction.

What Is Cremation?

Cremation is a body disposition method that uses high heat to change the body from its natural form into an ash form. The process takes place in the crematorium. One thing to know about cremation is that it is a permanent process. Once it is completed, it cannot be reversed so it’s important that you are sure about cremation before you sign the consent forms for a loved one, or even for yourself in advance.

What Services Are Available Before Or After?

Some people assume that cremation means you can’t have services and they don’t like that idea, but that’s not the case. There are actually two forms of cremation that funeral homes can help you with. The first form is called full cremation. This allows you to have a visitation and funeral service first, just as you would with a traditional burial. After those things are complete, then the cremation process takes place later. The other form is direct cremation, which takes place soon after death. With this form, there is no service before the cremation, but you can have whatever kind of memorial service you want after the cremation takes place with no timeline pressuring you.

What Final Resting Place Options Are There?

You know with a traditional funeral, a burial follows. But with cremation, there are options. You can still bury your loved one in the cemetery. They often have smaller plots and urn gardens for cremated individuals. There are also other options, such as ash scattering. You can keep your loved one’s ashes in the family home and do any number of other things. The cremation provider can go through the various choices to help you decide what’s best.

cremation services in Orlando, FL

What Are The Costs?

Cremation costs much less than a traditional burial because there are far fewer costs. You don’t have to pay for a cemetery plot if you don’t want to, and you don’t need a casket or headstone, among other things. The biggest cost is the cremation process itself, but even that is cost-effective if you are on a budget. The funeral home will have cremation package options and you can add anything you want to the basics.

When you are looking into cremation services in Daytona Beach, FL, ask any questions you have and the professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory can help you.

Flowers and Funeral Homes

funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL

One of the most common things to send to funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL when you hear that a friend has lost a family member or when you lost someone yourself, is flowers. There are lots of options and you will want to make sure you send the right things for decoration, for the family, and for your loved one. Here are some things you will want to do as you move forward with your options.

Choose A Florist With Funeral Experience

The first thing you are going to need to order flowers is a florist. You can get flowers from any florist, but it’s a nice idea, for your sake, to find a florist that has experience with funerals. Some might specialize in the wedding industry, for example, while others have a lot of funeral experience. If you find a florist who has dealt with a lot of funerals, they are going to give you the advice you need for the process.

Look At Your Budget

If you are organizing the funeral yourself, you will have to look at the budget as a whole and decide what you want to spend on flowers for the service. If you are sending flowers to someone else for their final services for a family member, it’s still a good idea to look at your budget and see how much you want to spend. That can help the florist understand what directions you can take so they can make recommendations for you.

Research Flower Meanings

This is something the florist will likely be able to help you with, but you have a certain message, you are going to want to look into the meanings of the flowers. Flowers speak, in a way, through their background meaning. Different colors can also signify different things as well. Take a look at the flower’s meaning as well as what the different colors mean.

funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL

Think About What The Person Liked

You will also want to think about the person who has passed away and what they liked. There might be a flower that reminds you of them because they enjoyed certain colors or flower themselves. You may want to send a certain flower because the friend you are trying to support through the grieving process likes a certain color or flower. Think about those things so you can get something they would appreciate.

You can always contact funeral homes in Daytona Beach, FL for advice about flowers as well. They can give you ideas for things that are often used at funerals or they can give you florist options in the area that they work with on a regular basis. The professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help organize funerals and memorial services, but we are also here to act as support staff, both for the families going through the process and for those who are trying to support the family. We want the best for everyone involved and we are here with advice and recommendations.