Daytona Beach, FL funeral home

Handling Death Anniversaries

Daytona Beach, FL funeral home

Anniversaries are going to come around and they’re not always pleasant. If you were celebrating your own wedding anniversary, it would be a different story, but remembering the anniversary of a death is more painful than anything else. There are certain things you can do to get through the day as best you can. You could even contact your local Daytona Beach, FL funeral home for pointers since they deal with death on a regular basis and have a lot of resources to help with such matters. Here are some other tips to help you through the difficult day.  

Tip 1: Prepare In Advance 

You know the day is coming because you see it on the calendar and the weight of it can be too much to handle. Plan ahead with a trusted funeral home so you aren’t alone on that day. Put off important work meetings, errands, and other such things and just have a family member spend the day with you. Spending time with someone who understands what you’re going through can really make the day pass by faster.  

Tip 2: Honor Your Loved One 

A great way to remember your loved one on the anniversary of their death is to do something they would have loved. If they liked baseball, go watch a game. If they had a favorite movie, watch it. Instead of going about your regular life, stop for the day and take stock of the past by honoring your loved one in a special way.  

Tip 3: Take Care Of Yourself 

It’s hard to think about yourself when you are remembering your loved ones and re-mourning their passing. Make sure you take care of yourself on this day to make it easier to get through. Eat some healthy food, even if you aren’t particularly hungry. Get some exercise and stick to your regular schedule for hydration. Little things like these can help you manage your way through the day.  

Tip 4: Deal With It In Your Own Way Daytona Beach, FL funeral home

There will be some family members who want to do one thing and others who need something else. On the day of your loved one’s passing, do what’s best for you. It’s not about anyone else but you getting through the day. That might mean visiting their burial site or the place where you spread their ashes or doing something fun they would enjoy. Whatever it is, if it means something to you, it’s the right thing.  

Moving forward without your loved one is never going to be easy and when anniversaries come up of the day you visited the funeral home in Daytona Beach, FL to say goodbye, it’ll take you back to the hardest parts of the grieving process. Feel free to contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763, by calling (386) 775-2101 for resources. We’re here to help you arrange final services, but we understand grief and we aren’t going anywhere. When you need us, reach out and we’ll help in any way we can.  

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Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory

Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory

As one of the oldest and most recognizable landmarks in the area, Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory is a stately ode to Orange City history. Established in 1973, our funeral home and cemetery has evolved greatly over the years to accommodate the evolving needs of our community.

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