What The Funeral Home Can Do After Cremation

When a family member passes on and wants to be cremated in Longwood, FL, you go through with the process with a local funeral home. But did you know that the actual cremation isn’t the only thing the funeral home can help you with? After the cremation is complete, the funeral home is still there to help in a variety of ways, if need be. Here are a few things your funeral home can do for your, even after the cremation portion of the process is complete.  

Memorial Services 

Once your loved one is cremated, the funeral home can help you arrange memorial services for them. Perhaps you want to have a rather traditional service—the funeral home can host it for you on their grounds and take care of all of the details for you. If you want to do something in a park, in someone’s home, or elsewhere, the funeral home, at the very least, can give you advice on what others have done and ideas on what you might like to do as well.  

Professional Advice 

Funeral homes deal with death on a daily basis, and all of the things that go along with it. You can ask the professionals at the funeral home anything you need to know. For example, if your loved one is cremated and you want to take their remains to another state by plane, the funeral home can give you advice on how to secure the right documents and everything else you would need to do that. If you need to get some extra death certificates, the funeral home can help with that as well. Just because the cremation is complete doesn’t mean the funeral home won’t help you with other details.  

Cremation Products cremated in Longwood, FL

You can get urns and other products anywhere you’d like, but once your loved one is cremated, you can also talk to the funeral home about options. They will give you a temporary container with the ashes, and perhaps that is all you will need if you plan on scattering your loved one’s remains somewhere special. If you’d like to keep an urn on your mantel, or you’d like to spread your loved one out among family members in smaller commemorative urns, the funeral home can help you sift through the products available.  

When you work with a funeral home in Longwood, FL to cremate a loved one, you might feel as if once the cremation process is over, the funeral home is done with you. The professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here before, during, and after the actual cremation process. We want to help you get through this difficult time in any way we can, whether that’s with a memorial service, answering questions, or anything else you need. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can get ahold of us by phone at (386) 775-2101. We won’t drop you into the unknown once the cremation is complete. We’re here to help in any way we can. Explore our caring funeral and cremation options on our website. Designed to aid you during tough times, our online resource offers the guidance and support needed to respectfully remember and celebrate your loved ones with dignity.

What Funeral Homes Want You To Know


Funeral directors are people that work closely with you when you visit a funeral home in Apopka, FL to arrange final services for a loved one. They work with all types of families in a variety of situations. While some families have been through deaths before, others are new to funeral arrangements. Either way, funeral homes would like for you to know some important details if you need to arrange final services for a loved one.  

Funeral Homes Are Here To Help 

The funeral home you contact has made it their job to give your loved one the exact funeral you want for them. They are compassionate, respectful people who want to honor those who have passed on. If there’s something you aren’t sure about, or something you don’t know, just ask. The funeral home employees make it their business to help you relieve yourself of the burdens that go along with funerals. Sure, funerals cost money, but many funeral directors find the industry their calling, not something they are trying to make as much money on as they can. Funeral homes are there to help you—utilize their services as best you can.  

Funeral Homes Allow You To Grieve 

When someone passes on, all you really want to do is grieve for them. But you might find yourself stuck making the plans for their services as well. Funeral homes are there to take over that tasks, so you can move forward with your grief. All you have to do is make the big decisions and let the funeral home take care of the details. You are able to pick out and customize anything you’d like, but the funeral home can pull everything together for you and make the process as simple as possible.  

Funeral Services Are For You And The Deceased funeral home in Apopka, FL

When you arrange final services, you will want to think about what your loved one would have wanted, of course. But the services are just as much for you and your family members as they are for the person who passed on. While you want to honor them, you also need to think about what family members need in order to say good-bye and move on. How would your family like to remember them and in what way would the deceased be best honored?  

When you contact a funeral home in Apopka, FL, you might be full of questions about arranging final services and that’s okay. The professionals at Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory are here to help with everything you need. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can visit with our funeral director there or give us a call to set up an appointment at (386) 775-2101. We understand arranging funerals is difficult when you’ve just lost someone you love and we’re here to support you through the difficult time. Stop by our website to get a head start at looking through the services and packages we offer at https://www.baldaufffuneralhome.com/ Explore our caring funeral and cremation options on our website. Designed to aid you during tough times, our online resource offers the guidance and support needed to respectfully remember and celebrate your loved ones with dignity.

Grief Management Options

Grief can hit hard and in many different ways. Everyone is different in how they deal with the services at Longwood, FL Funeral homes when a loved one passes on. And there are just as many ways to deal with grief as there are ways that it manifests inside people. If you have lost someone recently and you are looking for ways to channel and deal with your emotions, read through these options and see if any of them fit your needs. 

Accept The Pain 

When you lose someone you love, you need to accept the fact that there is going to be a pain. Pain indicates that you were close to a person and that you miss the relationship you had with them. Perhaps you can place what you miss about them in a letter or poem to help you vent your emotions in that manner.  

Allow The Feelings 

While you might feel as if you need to hold back your tears or act happy for your family, it’s actually a good idea to let it all out. Allow yourself to feel sad, angry, afraid, anxious, or whatever else you are feeling. The more you hold in, the harder the grief will hit you later. You need support and if you know what you feel, you can get the right kind of support.  

Express Your Emotions 

Some people feel better when they talk about what they are feeling so a support group for those going through grief might be a good idea. Others like to journal and let their emotions out in the written word. And then there are those who like doing crafts, art, or even yard work. Whatever you need to do to let your emotions out, find a way to express them.  

Reach Out To Your Support System Longwood, FL Funeral homes

Whether you have other close family members or a great group of friends, you need support while you are grieving. When those people in your life ask how they can help, tell them and let them hold you up. You might ask them to meet with you for coffee, help you run errands, or just listen to you talk about your loved one. Those who love you want to help and allowing them to support you can help your relationship tighten even further.  

Care For Yourself 

When you are grieving, it is easy to forget about your own needs and rest on the emotions you are having. Make sure you exercise, eat right, and relax, or dealing with your grief will be even harder.  

Grief doesn’t stop after the final services at a funeral home in Longwood, FL. You will feel the grief for a long period of time after the funeral is complete and you need to know how to cope with it. If you need resources and guidance, contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763, by calling (386) 775-2101. You can also read through the information on our website to help you feel less alone during this trying time: https://www.baldaufffuneralhome.com/ Explore our caring funeral and cremation options on our website. Designed to aid you during tough times, our online resource offers the guidance and support needed to respectfully remember and celebrate your loved ones with dignity.


Good Reasons To Pre-Arrange Your Cremation

There are plenty of things you are used to planning in advance—birthday parties, vacations, family weddings and so on. But your own cremation in Daytona Beach, FL may not yet be on your radar. Talking about death is never easy and thinking about your own death can be even harder. That doesn’t mean you should avoid the subject completely. In fact, moving forward with pre-arrangements for your own cremation is a very good idea. Here are just a few good reasons to consider doing just that.  

Reason 1: You’re In Charge 

By working with a funeral home to arrange your own cremation and memorial service, you get to have a say in everything that takes place. All of the details, both big and small, can be planned in advance. You can plan the big parts and leave the little things up to family or you can plan absolutely everything. If there are specific songs you like, or flowers you want, you can get that all laid out. All of the information that will be necessary when you do pass on will be laid out, so you have peace of mind that things are going to flow well for your family at that time.  

Reason 2: Family Can Grieve Easier 

It’s hard to deal with grief on top of creating arrangements for someone who has passed on. You can relieve your family of that burden by planning your own cremation in advance. Then, all they have to do is follow the arrangements that you’ve made, and they can spend more time together, as they should. It can reduce stress on your family and allow them a chance to grieve properly instead of arranging details for you.  

Reason 3: Money Savings cremation in Daytona Beach, FL

When you pre-arrange your cremation, you can also pre-pay, though it isn’t an absolute necessity. If you do, however, you can get today’s prices for a cremation that may take place years and years from now. That saves you money and it saves your family a headache as well. At the very least, you can start to set aside money for the future that will grow into what you need it to be when it is utilized down the road.  

Planning your own cremation in Daytona Beach, FL isn’t something everyone enjoys, but it certainly is a thoughtful thing to do for your family members. All your family has to do when the time comes is contact Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory and put your plans into motion. You can dictate as much or as little as you’d like and leave some options up to the, if you choose, so they can get what they need out of the service as well. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can call us at (386) 775-2101 to set up a time to go over the arrangements you’d like to put into place. You can also look over our website at https://www.baldaufffuneralhome.com/ to start making plans and looking into details for your cremation. Explore our caring funeral and cremation options on our website. Designed to aid you during tough times, our online resource offers the guidance and support needed to respectfully remember and celebrate your loved ones with dignity.

Dealing With The Anniversary Of A Death


Many people celebrate firsts in relationships, like first wedding anniversaries, first birthdays and so on. While you won’t necessarily celebrate the first anniversary of someone’s death, the date could hit you hard and you might want to prepare for it ahead of time. Once you get closure over the death at a Deltona, FL funeral home, you move on with your life, grieve in your own way, and create a new normal. However, when the first anniversary of the death rolls around, you will have to deal with the emotions possibly rushing back. Here are a few things to consider.  

Write A Letter To Your Loved One 

All you want is the ability to speak to your loved one. Writing a letter to tell them about your life now, how much you miss them, and anything else you want to say can be cathartic. If you don’t like writing, go to a peaceful park or garden and simply talk out loud to your loved one. Whatever you need to do to feel close to them and update them on your life, go for it.  

Honor Your Loved One 

There are many things you could do on the anniversary of your loved one’s passing to respect and honor their memory. You could have a memorial service with family members and friends to share pictures, videos, and memories. Or you could cook their favorite meal and have guests share dishes of their own. If they loved a certain activity, like baseball, go see a game with others in their honor. There’s no limit to things you can do for the anniversary of their death.  

Start A New Tradition Deltona, FL funeral home

Doing the same thing every year on the anniversary of their death is a good way to remember them, celebrate their life, and establish new memories revolving around them. You might watch their favorite movie, visit their gravesite, or plant a new flower for them. Whatever the tradition is, do it every year and remember them fondly.  

Be Kind To Yourself 

You know that anniversaries of a death can be trying and wearing and you‘ll want to treat yourself kindle in any way you can. You might let yourself sleep in longer than normal, take a long bath in the evening, or prepare a special meal. You need to be kind to yourself to give yourself the strength you need to carry on throughout the day.  

Deltona, FL funeral homeslike Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory, is here to help you through your loved one’s final services. If you need advice on ways to honor your loved one a year after their death, we’re happy to help brainstorm with you as well. We’re located at 1233 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763 and you can get ahold of us by calling (386) 775-2101. We try to take as many burdens from your shoulders as possible as you are grieving so you can spend time with your family and friends, where you belong during the most difficult times. Explore our caring funeral and cremation options on our website. Designed to aid you during tough times, our online resource offers the guidance and support needed to respectfully remember and celebrate your loved ones with dignity.